Body work for pregnancy, labour and birth

Bodywork for an easier labour.

What is bodywork?

Bodywork is a holistic approach to balance the body of tension. During pregnancy, the body has to adapt to many different changes and this can cause imbalance creating discomfort and pain.

Midwife Alex draws on techniques she has learnt through courses such as Spinning Babies and Biomechanics for Birth to relieve pain and help reposition your baby through gentle movements.

Bodywork is used to complement the care you receive through your hospital midwife or obstetrician.

Bodywork in

Bodywork for relieving and addressing pelvic girdle aches and pains.

Don't suffer in silence - just because pregnancy aches are common, doesn’t make them normal. Any pain felt is your body communicating a need.

Our specialised pregnancy bodywork services are here to help address that need by reducing tension in the pelvic muscles and ligaments as well as help shine the light on any restricted movements patterns that may be contributing to your pain.

From our practice we have found that this then pairs brilliantly with treatment from a specialised women’s health physio/chiro/osteo, who can look deeper into the cause behind your aches and pains.

Bodywork to optimise labour

Bodywork to help address soft tissue to reduce tension related issues in labour.

Here is when bodywork truly shines! Our skilled practitioner Gabrielle uses a variety of bodywork techniques to help externally soften the pelvic space.

Starting from 34 weeks onwards, this specific birth preparation method can help improve your baby’s pre-labour starting position, promote engagement and allow for smoother rotation and descent in labour.

Whether you're a first-time mum or a seasoned pro, our Labour Bodywork services can do incredible things to help optimise your body and baby for birth.

Session Details

Each session is 60 minutes.

At your session we’ll gain a history and discuss your goals for bodywork, offer an abdominal palpation to confirm baby’s position and identify any other relevant information.

Get right into the external bodywork most appropriate for your concern.

You will be provided with a plan that you can continue working on at home.

Discuss follow up visits to maintain a relaxed pelvic space and ensure optimal positioning of your baby.

Follow up via phone or email to assess the outcomes of your bodywork.

Pregnancy and Labour Mexican Rebozo Techniques
  • Who is it for?

    Anyone of any gestation (4-42+ weeks pregnant)

    What it can help?

    • Address the aches and pains around the lower back, hips and pelvis.

    • Improve breathing patterns to reduce diastasis recti severity and pelvic floor tension.

    • Start to prepare your body for the later weeks of your pregnancy.

  • Who is it for?

    Anyone 34-42+ weeks pregnant and planning for a psychological birth or vaginal birth. This may be a home birth, free birth or hospital birth.

    How can it help?

    • Encourage spontaneous labour through optimising baby’s position.

    • Mobile or high head.

    • Baby hasn’t yet engaged in the pelvis.

    • Oblique lie.

    • Transverse lie.

    • Open up the pelvis to assist with ECV success of breech baby.

    • Pre-induction to optimise pre-labour position.

    • Stuck in early, spurious or prodromal labour with no progress.

    • Over 40 weeks and no labour signs.

    Water’s broken but no contractions.

Appointments are available Through The Little Matters Clinic on 02 5114 3331

Looking for more information contact Midwife Alex here.