Donate •
Have you got something you want to donate?
Midwife Alex collects used breast pumps and accessories for families that need them most.
The items are cleaned and checked over to ensure they are in working order.
They then go into a library that are accessible for families to access for free!
The only cost to these families is for pumps to buy an appropriate flange kit saving hundreds of dollars.
Items Accepted for Donation
Breast Pumps (electric or manual)
Unused flanges
Unused connective tubing
Milk collectors
Spare valves and membranes
Breast Pads/hydro-gel pads
Silverettes (or equivalent)
Breastfeeding Pillows
Left over expressing kits items
Other breastfeeding accessories
Lactation should be supported and nurtured without the barrier of cost.
Sadly this is not the case in today’s society.
Midwife Alex strives to reduce the impact of cost on lactation for all families!
If you don’t have Items to donate, You can pay it forward to make it accessible for families to access an IBCLC.
Fill out the following form to notify Midwife Alex that you would like to donate and get further information!