Private Midwifery Care

“Everyone deserves to feel held and supported in their pregnancy and postpartum journey.”

— Midwife Alex

Private midwifery care offers you the opportunity to build a rapport and gain trust by the care you are provided.

Whether your navigating the journey for the first time or seeking an alternative option. Your path should, guided not just by policy but by evidence based research and uniquely tailored to you and your circumstances.

off-white squiggle drawn with watercolour brush

Medicare rebates are available for all appointments during pregnancy until 6 weeks postpartum for Medicare card holders with a GP or Obstetrician referral.

Private health rebates may also apply depending on your level of cover.

off-white squiggle drawn with watercolour brush

Antenatal Support

  • Evidence based education

  • Time to allow you to make the best decisions for you and your family.

  • IBCLC breastfeeding education

  • Bodywork to help with baby’s positioning

  • Optional- Acuneedling™ for any pregnancy related ailments, eg nausea, vomiting, pain, emotional release, labour preparation, Breech/ posterior baby repositioning and if required inducing labour.

  • Optional-Birth Preferences +\- Birth debrief for previous birth/s

  • Available for pregnancy loss support

pink squiggle in shape of pregnant woman side on drawn with watercolour brush

Postnatal Support

  • IBCLC support for any feeding concerns

  • Assess for sucking issues, structural concerns or tongue tie

  • Wound care and healing support

  • Support and education about infant development

  • Support with caring for a newborn, bathing, napping changing hacks, setting up feeding stations and sleep and settling support.

  • Prematurity challenges and transition to home

  • Multiples- This can be challenging and having someone experienced can make a HUGE difference!

  • Learning to wear baby in a carrier

  • Help create a safe sleep environment (including co-sleeping)

Midwife Alex is not currently providing homebirth services.

She is more than happy to connect you with several Private Midwives who are offering homebirth in the Canberra Region.


Midwife Alex offers Private Midwifery Care as a package.

This is to ensure you know what services you are getting.

Waiting room with 2 grey chairs, side table with book and flowers, and artwork of a landscape behind

Clinic Based

All appointments held at Little Matters Clinic in Bruce, ACT.

pregnant woman in white singlet short and green pants sitting next to a man on a laptop, woman is petting a black and brown dog

Your Home

Appointments are conducted in the safety of your own home.

laptop sitting open on a bed of white sheets


This option is available for those who are unable to attend in person or do not have access to service in their area.

Want to know more?

Fill out the details below for gain further information or contact Midwife Alex about you circumstances.